Hey everyone. We had a great show tonight, extra long @ 90mins which I'll post sometime soon hopefully (as well as last week's show. the week before that was crappy so I'm not gonna post it...).

Anyways, I found this amazing documentary on Youtube made by some indie journalists who went to Iraq to interview the country's only metal band, Acrassicauda.

See below for the full blurb.

It's a 5 part series, which you can find here.
Here's part one:

The group that made this is called VBS.tv, and they seem to be doing really cool alternative journalism stuff, all over the world: Sudan, Pakistan etc...! Check it out.

UPDATE! Here's an update from Roy Ahearn that was posted as a comment below, republished for your convenience:
Hey Guys, could not find your email, wanted to let you know that a new part about this band is up on VBS. In the final installment, the band has reunited in Damascus, Syria and play a reunion concert. We went to the show, hung out with them, and then recorded a demo with the band. Yes, a heavy metal demo in Syria! Something very rare. Through the band, we explore the Iraqi refugee crisis. The current crisis is the worst to happen in the Middle East since the creation of Israel. So far 2.4 million Iraqis have fled Iraq and 2 more million are displaced within Iraq. This is perhaps the worst refugee crisis in the world right now.

Part 1
Part 2

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