Transportation Options for Older Adults: NV Rides with Jennifer Kanarek

"One of the best ways to get people interested in caring for older adults is to have a positive experience—NV Rides volunteer driving program does just that."
-Melissa Batchelor, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, FGSA, FAAN

When you're young and you got your driver's license, driving yourself from place to place was an entirely new level of independence. Losing the ability to drive as we grow older can happen for a lot of different reasons (and is not a normal part of aging), but usually is due to disabilities that occur due to many different chronic conditions that impact vision, hearing, and movement. (See my episode on Five Signs it’s Time to Take the Keys with Alzheimer’s disease for more information on what it takes to be able to drive if you are experiencing memory problems).

Whenever anyone has to give up their keys—it's an automatic loss of independence. There are options to help people get around - we will go over those and talk about a unique and innovative volunteer program called NV Rides. NV Rides fills in a major gap that public transportation, carpooling, Uber, or Lyft options can’t provide — NV Rides partners volunteer drivers with older riders to provide door-to-door OR door-through-door transportation to a wide range of activities - from medical appointments to social events.

Today we're privileged to have Jennifer Kanarek, MSW, the Program Manager of NV Rides, to share this fantastic program and transportation options for the older adults and our under capacitated fellows.

NV Rides partners volunteer drivers with older riders to provide door-to-door OR door-through-door transportation to a wide range of activities - from medical appointments to social events.

Today we're privileged to have Jennifer Kanarek, MSW, the Program Manager of NV Rides, to share this fantastic program and transportation options for the older adults and our under capacitated fellows.

Part One of 'Transportation Options for Older Adults: NV Rides with Jennifer Kanarek'

According to the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, about
600,000 older adults stop driving each year. This makes it hard for older adults to make doctor's appointments, get to the grocery store, shop for necessities, visit family members and friends, or attend social events.

More importantly, not having transportation increases social isolation, which can have adverse health outcomes and impact overall well-being.

Interestingly enough, transportation is one of the most significant responsibilities for family caregivers. In fact, about 40% of caregivers spend at least five hours a week providing or making transportation arrangements. I know this to be true with my children and have long driven the #MamaTaxi!

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