If you want to learn from an inspired leader who helps to raise 100s of millions of dollars to help sick children get better, then you’re going to really enjoy listening to episode #151 on the Meeting Leadership Podcast.

That’s because we’re interviewing Mike House, the President and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

In this episode you’ll learn from Mike about:

The importance of storytelling when it comes to fundraising How Mike removed some of his own limiting beliefs after climbing Mount Kilimanjaro How to inspire others (even when you might not be feeling inspired yourself) How to listen deeply and build successful bridges with the people you work with The value of hiring a professional business coach How to run a highly effective meeting The fact that Mike himself underwent a life-saving surgery when he was a kid, which has inspired him to work hard for the benefit of others and a whole lot more

For more information or a full transcript of our interview in episode 151, visit: https://meetingleadershipinc.com/151