If you want to understand the true value of investing in long term business relationships then you’re going to really enjoy episode 145 on the Meeting Leadership Podcast.

That’s because we’re interviewing Mike Mack, a high impact Management Consultant who has helped large and medium sized enterprises grow their value. Mike’s approach with his clients is to ensure that they set a solid communication foundation, and then make sure that they provide great service.

Mike is also the Author of two books that every leader should read. The first one is called ‘Remarkable Service’ and the second is titled ‘Relationships For Keeps’.

So get out your note taking tools, because there are many great takeaways in this interview including:

How to turn soft skills into hard assets How leaders can earn Like, Respect and Trust from everyone they meet How you can benefit from the proven ‘Everything D.I.S.C’ profile and more

For more information or a full transcript of our interview in episode 145, visit: https://meetingleadershipinc.com/145