Do you want to become a more effective meeting facilitator?

Then listen to ep #137 on the Meeting Leadership Podcast and learn the Zoom-In, Zoom-Out technique.

The Zoom-In, Zoom-Out technique takes its inspiration from cameras that have a zoom lens that you can use to either get close to see the details in a picture, or you can zoom-out to take in the whole view.

In meetings, if someone is going into too much detail about a subject, then you can stop them for a moment and ‘zoom-out’ to remind them about the bigger picture.

For example, if someone was talking for too long about cutting a specific line item in a budget, then you could stop them and remind them that you are having the meeting to consider as many cost saving scenarios as possible.

The Zoom-In, Zoom-Out is worth mastering so that you can get more out of your meetings!. 

For more information or a transcript of MLP 137, visit: