The same gestures that are expected in one culture could be seen as offensive in others.

Understanding the nuances of our cultural differences is an imperative for any leader seeking to expand beyond a local shop, or even those who just want to instill real diversity in their ranks. Since meetings are the place where these cultural differences are exposed, we take a look at intercultural competence from a meeting leader's perspective. However, these ideals can apply to all interactions you might have with colleagues from different backgrounds, both in and out of meetings.

In episode #059 of the Meeting Leadership Podcast, we provide a few cautionary examples of ways culture can affect every interaction, as well as keynote speech excerpt that nails home some key points about how to approach intercultural interactions. By the end of the episode, you'll be armed with an intercultural approach that improves your ability to reach people from all parts of the world.

For more information or a transcript of MLP 057, visit: