Well-planned exercises, thorough agendas, or inspirational speeches matter most when the right people are in the room to absorb them.

Like many of the common mistakes we've tried to eliminate throughout this podcast, selecting the wrong people for a meeting is a double-edged sword. One one hand, the productivity of the meeting depends in large part to the expertise and strengths of those in the room; on the other, a meeting where attendees have to sit through discussions unrelated to their jobs is counterproductive and can even lower morale. Essentially, you can't afford not to have the right people in your meetings, as the consequences can negatively impact your company in both the short and the long term.

In MLP 048, we explain why meetings should be attended by the right people, starting with how to decide who is right and who isn't, and then moving on to how you should be using this knowledge to your advantage. We break down the Meeting Team Traits Inventory system, a great way to identify the skill set of your team, and then apply those skills to solving problems.  You can then apply all you’ve learned through the Meeting Leadership Podcast with the additional benefits incurred by reaching the most receptive audience.

To learn more, or to see a transcript for episode 048, visit: https://meetingleadershipinc.com/48