Hello and welcome to andallthat.co.uk’s new podcast series: Meet the Historians. Over the course of this first series I will be talking to a number of historians who have written about the Soviet Union and finding out a bit more about their historical methods and approaches. I will also be exploring their interpretations of key topics such as Stalin’s wartime leadership, the effectiveness of Khrushchev’s de-Stalinisation programme and the reasons for the breakup of the USSR. The series will be available to download here as a podcast, via the iTunes store, or on our website at www.andallthat.co.uk/meetthehistorians

Today I am joined by Bill Taubman who is the emeritus Bertrand Snell Professor of Political Science at Amherst College in Massachusetts. Professor Taubman has written a number of books on the Soviet Union, including: 'Stalin’s American Policy,' and the critically acclaimed: 'Khrushchev, The Man and his Era.' He is also working on a biography of another Soviet politician in the Khrushchev mould, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Feedback and comments on this series would be very welcome.