Douglas Robins ʼ23, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, talks about University access and support on episode three of our “Meet Princeton!” podcast. From a class with Eddie Glaude, Jr., the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor and chair of the Department of African American Studies, to his very first encounter with a Princeton alumnus, who is a member of the Great Class of 1963, Douglas reflects on some of the more memorable moments he's had thus far.

This podcast is a production of the Princeton University Office of Admission. The opinions expressed herein represent the views of the individuals involved, not those of the University. 

View the transcript.

Show Notes: Financial Aid Estimator No-Loan Financial Aid Policy Cost of Attendance SIFP (Scholars Institute Fellows Program) Study Abroad Bryant’s recommended sourdough bread recipe and baking guide from “Lemons and Anchovies,” blog adapted from Ken Forkish’s book “Flour Water Salt Yeast” Annual Giving Fund ASC (Alumni Schools Committee) Interviews Precept Eddie Glaude, Jr., the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor and chair of the Department of African American Studies McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning The Writing Center College Staff, First College Mock Trial Orange Key Tours Matriculate Late Meal Murray Dodge Cafe Freshman Seminars Vivian’s favorite key lime pie recipe from food writer and cookbook author Melissa Clark (via Princeton University Orchestra About "Meet Princeton!"

Co-Hosts: Vivian Slee, senior assistant dean of admission, and Bryant Blount '08, assistant dean of undergraduate students and manager of strategic communications
Producers: Vivian Slee and Mary Buckley, associate dean, strategic communications, Office of Admission
Editorial Consultant: Veronica Salazar, senior assistant dean of admission
Editor/Sound Engineer: Nick Donnoli, Orangebox Productions 
Sound Engineer: Molly Trueman '24
Logo Design: Esteban Aguas '19, admission officer

The theme music to our podcast was created by Molly Trueman '24. The outtro is brought to you by Princeton University Orchestra, featuring the end of the first movement from Bruckner Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major, Romantic. It was recorded at the 2019 Winter Concert Preview in Alexander Hall's Richardson Auditorium. 

Meet Molly Trueman '24:

Molly, a rising sophomore at Princeton, plans on majoring in music with a potential certificate in Applications of Computing. Outside of class, she is part of Glee Club, Chamber Choir, and the Tigressions, a contemporary all-female a cappella group. While she has been practicing voice and piano since age six, within the past year—especially during quarantine—she has become more passionate about songwriting and music production, leading her to create music for this podcast.

About the Princeton University Orchestra

The Princeton University Orchestra (PUO) is the flagship symphony orchestra of Princeton University and is one of the most prestigious and highly acclaimed collegiate orchestras in the country. At more than 120 undergraduate-musicians strong, PUO holds eight annual performances in Alexander Hall and tour internationally in a typical year. Since 1977, Maestro Michael J. Pratt has served as the music director for the ensemble.