Recent advances in neuroscience have proven that when we BELIEVE we can get smarter & improve on our skills through experience & dedication, our brain physically wires itself around these ideas & habits! Knowing this, we can implement changes in our daily routine that can make us smarter & stronger. Today, we aim to connect the link between our mentality & our ability to achieve MORE!  

Student doctor, humanitarian & creative, Mohamed Zeyara, joins MEDspiration to discuss how he trains his brain to improve mentally, physically & spiritually and how this daily practice helps him acheive his ambitious goals. With over 1 million followers on social media, Student Dr. Zeyara shares some of the most important life lessons that he’s learned on his journey as a medical professional & how his passion for global medicine connects to his humanitarian efforts. 

As Outreach Director for non - profit organization Pious Projects, Mohamed has helped raise millions of dollars for charity, transformed communities for hundreds of thousands of people; is a prominent figure in youth advising, activism, public speaking & film production; ALL while studying medicine as a current third year medical student! 

Tune in for some practical tips on self development & how to pursue your personal passions while balancing a demanding career path.


Find Mohamed Zeyara on:

FB & YouTube: Mohamed Zeyara

Instagram & Twitter: @mzeyara

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