Dustin Nemos is a Censored Journalist, Loving Father, Proud Patriot, MSM Maligned & Bestselling Author of QAnon: An Invitation To The Great Awakening, Well Connected Networker (Working on it!), Struggling Influencer, Humbled Autodidact, Overs Stressed Polymath, Armchair Philosopher(VoluntaryIST), Austrian Economist, Red pilled Historian. Student of Alternative Healing, Animal Friend, and Agricultural Dreamer. Former Dream-building Waiter & Terrible Bartender, Serial Entrepreneur, Self Made Man (Financial Freedom by 24, then LOST IT ALL – And Happy I Did!), Reluctant Warrior and Vigilante Watcher on the Walls. Captain (sort of), Brother, Grandson, I Broke the Cycle of Ignorance and Drug Use That Destroyed My Family. Trained in Krav Maga, Interested in Wing Chun.

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