Lynne Taylor an educator, speaker, author and an expert on Common core/National Standards system joins Dr. George on this week’s episode of Living in the Solution to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis has further fueled government intervention in education and what that will mean to the health, privacy, and the structure of the family – and our society moving forward in to the future.

About Lynne Taylor

Common Core/National Standards in education warrior since 2009. Recognized speaker, author, researcher. Bringing truth with a smile & a jar of applesauce.

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Lynne Taylor an educator, speaker, author and an expert on Common core/National Standards system joins Dr. George on this week’s episode of Living in the Solution to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis has further fueled government intervention in education and what that will mean to the health, privacy, and the structure of the family – and our society moving forward in to the future.

About Lynne Taylor

Common Core/National Standards in education warrior since 2009. Recognized speaker, author, researcher. Bringing truth with a smile & a jar of applesauce.

[Common Core Diva Website][Like the Common Core Diva on Facebook]