My Spanish teacher from Mexico, Gloria Becerril, and I discuss gender identity, sexuality, and how to use gender inclusive language in Spanish. Esperamos que lo disfrutes.

The post Gender, Sexuality, Spanish for Everyone appeared first on Doc Molly.

My Spanish teacher from Mexico, Gloria Becerril, and I discuss gender identity, sexuality, and how to use gender inclusive language in Spanish.  Esperamos que lo disfrutes. 

Mentioned in the showLa Comunidad, an online Spanish learning forum founded by Nacho CaballeroYou can find "Las Cigarras Espaciales" podcast @cigarrasespacialesIdentidad de Género, an incredible resource created by Planned ParenthoodFree Quizlet Set for this lesson!



(OJO – These timestamps are for the audio podcast. The timestamps for the video are included in the video description in YouTube. If watching the video, you can also drag your curser along the scrubbing timeline at the bottom of the video.)

1:21 Les presento a Gloria1:58 ¡Entra Gloria Becerril de Las Cigarras Espaciales podcast!3:36 Gloria explica por qué le interesa el lenguaje inclusivo6:30 Definimos el SEXO de una persona9:06 Definimos el GÉNERO y la IDENTIDAD DE GÉNERO10:13 Cómo nos referimos a personas de diferentes identidades de género13:37 Hablamos de las diferentes ORIENTACIONES SEXUALES16:30 Gloria explica la DEMISEXUALIDAD Y la ASEXUALIDAD19:25 Cómo podemos utilizar un LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO22:44 Los PRONOMBRES y ADJETIVOS

Le doy las gracias a mi profesora de México, Gloria Becerril.

Take lessons with Gloria Becerril!

Email: [email protected]
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The post Gender, Sexuality, Spanish for Everyone appeared first on Doc Molly.