Involved parents worry about their child or teen’s safety online. And rightly so. The nature of the internet means harmful content could come across their screen at any time. Dangerous situations seem to be lurking around every corner. So, many parents wonder, how often should I monitor my child’s smartphone? Should I check it daily? And is that really the best way to keep them from harm? 

In this episode, I confess that I don't check my child's phone the way many parents do. Saying that publicly on this podcast does make me feel a little vulnerable. I recognize I’m going against the grain. But, I hope, as I explain the principles behind my strategy and how online safety is always a top priority in our home, I feel confident in saying there are better (and less cumbersome) ways to keep kids safe than simply checking their smartphone.

Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit