Every mom is amazing! There’s no question there. Yet, we are often our own worst critic. When things don’t go according to plan, the negative self-talk comes flooding in. So, how can we start to believe in ourselves again? And how can building mom confidence change the dynamic we have with our kids and their tech?

In this episode, I ask Leah Davidson, co-founder of H&L Life Coaching, what to do when we feel like we’re not thriving. We take a fresh look at what confidence means. And how that applies to raising kids in a media-saturated, pandemic stricken, year of virtual school, kind of world! 

Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.