Hello everybody Welcome to the Medgeeks podcast, this is your host Eric Gordon and today we're talking about COVID-19. This is going to be an update, you know we did the earlier COVID episode about a month ago now, a lot has changed since that time. When I recorded the last show there were about 100,000 cases worldwide and 164 confirmed cases in the US.

Today those numbers are 1.8, million, and 556,000, obviously from a numbers standpoint, things have increased dramatically as somewhat expected. 

Everyone listening to this right now has been affected by COVID-19, whether it's because you are a hospital or a critical care provider, seeing these patients caring for them daily. Maybe you work in Rheumatology and you've had to shut down your office. Maybe you're taking a pay cut because you've worked in surgery and now you have to only do emergent cases. 

Perhaps you've been laid off completely. I know there's a lot of students out there who listen to this podcast and I know they're being affected by this. You can't go to class right now, your clinical rotations are being put on hold, graduations are being delayed as a result. It really is a difficult, and heartbreaking situation that we're all going through and everyone's experiencing it a little bit differently. 

Before we jump into the information that I wanted to cover today, I want to let y'all know that I want to use this podcast to grow our community, bring us together through this, as you probably know, we use the website askmedgeeks.com for you to submit questions that you want answered here on the podcast. I’d like to utilize that website in a little bit of a different way. 

As far as what we're going to talk about today, you know, last time we kind of talked about background information, the biology of SARS coronavirus 2. Today let's start by talking about some Updated STATs, and then we're going to talk about a little bit more of a deeper dive into treatment. 

So this data was pulled from April 13, just like last time these numbers are going to be outdated almost immediately but this from April 13. 

The worldwide number of cases is about 1.8 million, and the worldwide death count is 117,000. In the United States there are 566,000 cases and approximately 23,000 deaths. New York State has 10,000, of those deaths. 

Over the past several days, the number of new hospitalizations and ICU admissions has slowed down a little bit in New York City however the daily death rate in New York City is at kind of a steady, yet alarmingly high plateau for the past few days, seeing over 700 deaths per day, due to COVID-19. 


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