What makes good food, good? PhD students at SOAS University of London Francesca Vaghi and Brandi Miller join Coral to discuss why ""good"" food is often contigent on nutritional, economic, political, or moral conditions, and why the distinction changes across cultures and scale.

Francesca is a final year doctoral researcher based at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, and the Thomas Coram Research Unit. Prior to starting her PhD, she was awarded an MPhil in Medical Anthropology from the University of Oxford in 2015. Her project, ‘Food, policy, and practice in early years education and care: children, parents, and practitioners in a London nursery,’ spans a variety of areas, mainly: medical anthropology, the anthropology of food, childhood studies, gender, and class. Francesca's doctoral research was conducted in an inner-London nursery and children's centre over a 12-month period. As well as investigating the ways in which children create their self and peer identities through food and eating practices, her work explores how children's food policy fits into family intervention policies more broadly, as well as how notions of 'good food' and 'good parenting' (particularly 'mothering') are interlinked.

Brandi Simpson Miller holds an MA in World History from Georgia State University (2015). She is a doctoral researcher at the Department of History at the School of Oriental and African Studies London. Her research interests include the study of the social history of Ghana, particularly the political aspects of global and local food practices from the precolonial period to Ghanaian independence.

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