What is the question you need to ask yourself?  Is now the time?  Are you done with mediocrity?  Is this your year?  If the answer is yes, things will start to change and improve for you.  If your answer was, hopefully, that would be nice, or maybe then we need to back up and look at your why. 

I spent 5 years interviewing 233 millionaires—here are the 6 habits that made them ultra wealthy

The goal is to understand how much potential we have.  It's been said how tall will a tree grow? And the answer is “as tall as it can.” That is so important for us to understand in today's world.  I have college students that say, “What's the least amount I can do to get a B in your class?” Or people on their jobs, what’s the least amount I can do to keep from getting fired?  That doesn’t increase happiness, and that doesn’t equal success.   How successful should you be – as successful as you can?


Want to be more successful?  Want to be a millionaire?  Join me for this weeks podcast on The Proven Simple Habits And Behaviors Of Millionaires.  You will discover that the formula is quite simple.  You just have to start thinking and acting like a millionaire.  I will reveal the tools and techniques of the super-successful.