During this podcast we will discuss:

Uluru (Ayres Rock) - how the energy has changed now that it has been closed to climb and since the last climbing post has been removed.

The scar or 'white wound' that remains.

Basewalk around Uluru - the waterholes, the feeling of the rock being alive, like a breathing creature under the surface. Sensing a heartbeat.

The question that surfaced around "What is our intention in guiding women to this sacred piece of Australia?" Remembering, being seen by a ancient presence and exploring the deeper questions that emerged around our reason for Being.

Glimpsing our smallness, or insignificance next to magnificence and timelessness of the rock, sensing voices from the past, from the protectors of this land.

What can women expect from a journey to Uluru? Uluru is just one piece in a larger unfolding story, like a doorway and a questioning and a travel within.

Uluru as the Solar Plexus Chakra of the Earth, and the transformative energies of 2020 that focus on this Earth Chakra at this time. The reflections on personal power, shifting paradigms, a new way of being, that is heart led.

Healing of the Solar Plexus and Heart, a deeper connection between them that is emerging. The healing of the witch wound, and aligning personal power with heart-led action, and the feminine rising. Stepping fully into our power.

Western women journeying to Uluru and where this sits with the indigenous caretakers of the land. Being a bridge between worlds and cultures. Reweaving community and learning from the indigenous people on how we can walk more sacredly and respectfully on the Earth.

The Rainbow serpent leylines and rainbow bridge. Collective consciousness and apology.

Mavenwomen journey to Uluru in May 2020.