In this podcast Fiona and Deni have a conversation around “How far are we will to go to create an unshakeable sisterhood?”
This topic arose from a Soundcloud Recording of Pat McCabe, a Navajo grandmother and elder, talking about Indigenous Wisdom of the Feminine.  In this podcast we will discuss:

* How can healing our wounds with sisters create change on the       planet and in the earth?
* The pull to sisterhood and the fear and mistrust that can arise.
* What the presence of love can do to transform and heal even in the stickiness and shadow.
* Can we stay heart-opened in the discomfort?

*Can we love the humanness of our ugly emotions such as jealousy and envy in circle with other women, and what does this shift for us?
* Bringing the healing to the land
* Revisiting childhood friendships and woundings – how this is surfacing for many at this time and how this can create change for our younger generations.
* Loving our differences across, age, cultures and backgrounds.
* The web and matrix of women's circles around the planet and the collective healing that is occurring.
* The gifts of sitting in circle with elders. Reclaiming the feminine power and voice in our older years.

* The owning of our power in our different ages and body cycles.
* Finding a circle to sit in to work through sister wounding.

To know more about MavenWoman circles, or to ask a question, please contact [email protected] 

The Soundcloud Recording of Pat McCabes talk can be found [HERE]