Award-winning speechwriter and business storyteller Elaine Bennett says her favorite clients are smart enough to know good writing when they read it, but too busy to do it themselves.

She’s worked with leading executives in a range of industries from financial and professional services to nonprofits and politics.

Warren Buffett, impressed with how Elaine captured his voice when they worked together at Salomon Brothers, wrote:

“You have a terrific ear and you turn straight thinking into straight writing.”

Driven to improve the quality of business writing in the world (after all, she has to read it too), Elaine creates and leads webinars to help professionals discover and hone their own talents. She blogs about writing daily on her website,, where you’ll find her concise mission statement: “Write. More.”

Elaine may be #1 in the hearts of her clients, but she has resigned herself to being the #2 Elaine Bennett in Google's search results! Who gets the top spot? See for yourself.