I knew it was eventually going to happen, the temptation is far too great to avoid.

Don't worry, I'm not talking about turning to the darkside and taking up knitting (although I wouldn't mind making my own matching wool scarf and woobie set for winter, especially if it's as cold as last year.)

Instead, I'm talking about another blackhole of woodworking that I've been very vocal about avoiding for years...WOODTURNING!

Sure I've had the lathe for awhile now, and yes I've dabbled a little bit with it here and there. But I've never taken the plunge and unleashed the full power of the turning tools.

Recently I moved the lathe up and out of the basement workshop and into the garage where I could enjoy the warm summer evenings and not feel like I had to stop every five to ten minutes to vacuum up the accumulating chips and sawdust.

On today's episode you get to witness the fruits of my dabbling. The result of what happens when a woodworker decides to make more than a dowel and attempts to learn what each woodturning tool does (preferably without hurting himself in the process.)

You'll see plenty of mistakes in this video and probably laugh at my fumbling with the tools (especially when I attempt to identify which gouge I'm using) but hopefully more than anything else, you'll enjoy seeing the first of what I imagine to be numerous woodturning projects to come.

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