Previous Episode: 460 Walls of shelves Pt 2
Next Episode: 458 Hock Shoulder Plane

Today we're starting a new build series on the show. Over the next couple of weeks we'll be covering the construction of an entire wall or two of book shelves. This is a repeat client for me and I'm more than happy to fill their house with more of my projects.

In fact, the shelves I'm building are a continuation of existing shelves I built for them several years ago. So I'm very familiar with the design already, which if you had to put a label on it, would probably be considered modern with it's straight lines and complete lack of mouldings and ornamentation of any kind.

It seems recently we've been working with a lot of plywood in our projects here and the fact is, we have. Plywood is a great material for a wide variety of builds because of a number of reasons. The obvious being it's easier to cut a sheet of plywood to a wider dimension like 11" or 12" than it can be to glue up a couple of solid boards, plane them flat and even with each other, and then cut them to their final dimensions.

Now don't take that as being lazy, it's just a simple fact. Still, I've been known to do just that with solid boards for a given project and I still think plywood goes a little quicker. Of course one downside to plywood is it's edges and depending on the manufacturer the face veneers themselves. But that's a topic for an earlier show!


The Sagulator

Milescraft Saw Guide for Circular and Jig Saws

Bora Saw Guide

Bora Wide Track 100" Clamp.

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