I don’t which I’m more excited about, the new and improved work surface I’m using for my sharpening station or the little addition I just added the other day?

Sharpening my hand planes and chisels has always been one of those things that I begrudgingly did. It’s not that I didn’t get good results, it’s just that to achieve those results I felt like I was always jumping through hoops to get there.

If you’ve ever seen one of my shop tours in the past you’re probably familiar with my previous sharpening setup, a re-purposed roll-around microwave cart. It did a decent job of acting as extra storage space for all my sharpening accessories and some other things, but what it didn’t do a good job at was providing enough work surface for laying out my stones so I could get to them quickly and easily.

With this new sharpening station (which is actually once again a re-purposed kitchen storage item) I have plenty of work surface to lay everything out and still have room to spare.

And because of this extra space, I decided I really wanted to have a setup that would make using my waterstones even easier, because up until now my biggest complaint with them was occasionally having to "chase" them across the work surface when using them.

On today’s episode I’ll share with you a little upgrade I added to my sharpening station that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now. The result will eventually be me honing and sharpening my blades more frequently!

While I’m on the topic of sharpening stones, for current Chortle & Woobie-level Patrons of Matt’s Basement Workshop, it seems the perfect time to discuss how I care and maintain them, so that’s what we’ll be discussing in this episode’s bonus content.

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