I'm not a fan of New Year resolutions. I vow to stop making them every January 5th, which usually coincides with the same day I give up on the diet/exercise program I started on January 1st. However, this year I decided to give it one more try and announced on Wood Talk Online Radio that by the end of the year I'd give my shop a much needed facelift. This is nothing new in the basement workshop, in fact it's something I had been vowing to do for a long time. For a long time now I've been getting frustrated with how cluttered my shop was feeling and even more frustrated at my inability to get work done without having to constantly move things around just to accomplish a single task. To be quite honest, the extra time it was taking me to clear a spot to plane a board or to set up a tool for a cut that should take only 30 seconds to accomplish was becoming too long. Not to mention that I was constantly losing small items and tools in the ever growing piles. In other words...SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE! Today's episode is a tour of my new shop layout. I have yet to put it through its paces on a project, but there's room to tweak it for optimal flow and efficiency when I do. A huge thanks to the folks over at Port-A-Mate for their help with a few new items to make the shop a better and safer place to work.