On today’s show we’ll continue where we left off last week on the construction of the Cherry Mirror frame I recently built for my wife. As I mentioned in the last episode we purchased a full-length mirror for our bedroom and after getting it home I decided it was just a little too plain for our tastes.

Thankfully I’ve been holding on to a stash of Cherry for a while now and this seemed to be the perfect project to break it out for.

Last week we ripped and crosscut the stock to size (I also admitted to messing that up and having to re-draw the plans to accommodate for the mistake), we also cut the mortise and tenon joinery we’ll use to assemble the project.

This week we rabbet an edge on the backside of the frame to support the mirror. That sounds easy, but I chose to use just the tablesaw and I had to create stopped rabbets for the stiles.

Then we chamfer the edges of the rails and stiles, but not end to end, instead we create a nice little stopped chamfer on the router table. We glue it all together and then add some shop made walnut pegs to help reinforce the mortise and tenon joinery.

This was a great little project that could easily be completed in a weekend and leaves you looking like a hero to someone.

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