Well, it took a little bit of time, but we made it! We have successfully, to our satisfaction, completed the first season of Masters of Text! This is

We end where we began, with the S Project and return to some audio we recorded just about exactly one year ago. In Episode 09, way back in December.

Ames and Trauman return to a final discussion of the project itself, us thinking toward what it is we might turn this into. In many ways, this is a large-form of what we might call a digital sound dialogue. We aren’t simply presenting our edited conversation but will present an edited segment and then discuss what we think now, focusing for the most part on our thoughts of the Masters of Text endeavor. What had we hoped for? What do we believe we accomplished? Is there such a thing as the scholarly podcast? Is this what we made? What is the future of—is there a future for—such a form? What are our plans for the future?