Imagine one day you wake up in the morning and see that your Amazon listings are gone! Amazon has removed them and you can’t figure out why.

You contact Amazon and the only thing they tell you is that your product listings are being suppressed. You start scanning bit by bit through the back end of your listings to identify what could be the reason for that.

It’s not an uncommon situation and maybe this has already happened to you. Often times it’s because you used restricted words in your product listings’ titles, bullets or backend keywords and Amazon will remove your listing immediately and without any warning. This can be really tricky as there is no official list of Amazon restricted keywords and sometimes completely innocent products are being removed. 

But don’t you worry because Kathleen is here today with another great episode of the Masters of Marketplace podcast and she will tell you the keywords you should never use in your product listings.

Tune in to listen to this helpful episode to learn how Amazon detects forbidden keywords, what the consequences are for using these specific words, whether it’s possible to fix the issue and how to prevent the problems before they happen.

You don’t want to miss this interesting episode! So let’s dive in!

Show notes: