In episode 41, we talk about what it looks like to take a functional approach to fertility and preconception care. We've talked before on the podcast about what to expect if you needed to seek out testing or treatment from a conventional fertility clinic, but this week, we want to tell you more about OUR approach to fertility and give you some options that you may not have considered before. Throughout the episode, we discuss:

What functional medicine is and how it’s different from conventional medicine
Why you don’t actually have to choose between the two when it comes to your fertility
What our intake process looks like and which basic blood tests we recommend all potential clients seek out with their local providers
The 4 functional labs tests we use in our practice and when we typically recommend them
How we combine all the information from your intake and labs to build a completely customized healing protocol just for you!

We also talk about the two things we CAN’T do for you through Tiny Feet and share some others ways we can help you aside from becoming a one-on-one client. You can find show notes for the episode, along with links to all the resources we talk about, on our website at

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