This week on the podcast I am joined by Ashley Hagen. Ashley is an online yoga teacher and business coach who helps other yoga teachers transform into confident online entrepreneurs. She went from teaching 15+ yoga classes per week and owning a local studio to running a thriving yoga business 100% online. With a background in marketing & graphic design, she's learned to combine her skills in technology with her passion of yoga to help yoga teachers navigate the world of online yoga teaching and business building. In this episode, Ashley shares how she created her online business and how she first started making revenue online, how she shifted and found a niche that she loves, as well as some of her top tips for getting started with teaching online, creating a successful YouTube channel, creating courses and more.


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In this episode:

Ashley’s yoga journey and what inspired her to become a yoga teacher Teaching yoga online before the pandemic How Ashley’s online business is framed and structured, and where she brings revenue in from Advice to those to want to grow their brand or business in an online environment Deciding what topics to do online courses on Growing a yoga audience on YouTube and how to be more strategic about it Giving out knowledge for free vs having a paid offering or revenue stream

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