In this episode, I have a fascinating 3-hour conversation with Dr. Jessica Rose about all things related to C-word juices, ranging from interpreting the adverse event reporting system to the future of mandatory prophylactic gene therapy. 

If you follow Dr. Rose on her web site or YouTube channel, she is first and foremost an analyst of the adverse event reporting system. 

If you follow her substack, her bio is simple: "I am a dissident."

Her academic bio emphasizes her expertise in biology and immunology:

Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master’s degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from Bar Ilan University and 2 post-doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and one in Biochemistry from the Technion Institute of Technology. She was also accepted for a 2-month program as a senior researcher at the Weizmann Institute prior to completion of her latest post doctoral degree at the Technion.  

Important Links

Her CV is rich in published work on infectious diseases:

She plays advisory roles in the Canadian organization Take Back Our Freedoms:

She is also involved with Geert Vanden Bossche's Voice for Science and Solidarity:

The three most important ways to keep up with her work are her web site, substack, and YouTube channel:

This is her currently withdrawn paper on myocarditis:

This is her critical appraisal of the adverse event reporting system as a pharmacovigilence tool:

Time Stamps

07:25 The interview starts

08:27 Her academic background

25:09 How she started analyzing adverse effect reporting system data

31:14 Were the mandates a surprise or expected?

31:34 Raw milk persecution, Rawsome raids, National Animal Identification System, swine flu microchips and forced quarantining laws

38:45 Interpreting the adverse event reporting system: how do we think about underreporting, overreporting, stimulated reporting, and causality?

52:08 Total adverse events are continuing to accumulate at the same rate even though the rollout is tapering, breakthrough infections, female reproduction issues

56:38 John Su misrepresents the data on 5-11-year-olds at CDC meeting

01:03:02 Hiding the children injected illegally

1:08:52 Severe adverse events in 5-11-year-olds

1:15:37 Back when 50 deaths would take a product off the market

1:18:04 We should be more cautious, not less cautious, when the data is poor quality

1:21:00 Hiding the all-cause mortality data

1:26:51 Can you get the C-word twice? And what does it mean, exactly, to get the C-word?

1:48:37 Widespread low-level inflammation throughout the population

1:53:14 Can the spike protein be written to the human genome?

1:57:31 Why is the risk/reward ratio so much worse for kids?

2:03:57 The effect of the juices on viral evolution in the era of omicron

2:12:18 Do we have an epidemic of hospitalizations for PCR-negative C-word-like illness in fully juiced people?

2:16:13 The saga of the retracted paper

2:20:14 Most myocarditis is severe by standard definition

2:27:13 Two approaches to language in peer-reviewed papers: raw honesty vs deference to the narrative.

2:32:58 What is a juice, and are these injections technically juices?

2:42:48 The importance of precision

2:45:20 The potential future of widespread or even mandatory prophylactic gene therapy

2:50:00 Why risk-reward is the wrong way to thing about the juice

2:56:36 Blood transfusions and shedding

3:01:57 Her advice as a concerned citizen of the human species to us as we enter into a world wherein we are rapidly losing our freedoms.

During this critical time where our freedom of health and freedom of speech is in imminent danger, and where tens of thousands of people are facing imminent job losses as the result of medical mandates, I am devoting my analytical skills full time toward the battle for health freedom. This includes working directly with lawyers in lawsuits over mandates, lockdowns, and the current standard of care, scientifically analyzing the safety, efficacy, and risks of mandated medical treatments and their alternatives as well as ways to mitigate their harms, publishing my findings in scientific journals and sharing them with you.

It is my firm conviction that this is the most important gift I can offer the world right now, and I view this as a needed public service.

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This interview was recorded during a Live Zoom recording, where members of the CMJ Masterpass sat in and submitted comments and questions in the live chat. If you would like to sit in on future interviews I conduct with the chance to contribute questions, sign up for the Masterpass at and use the code INTERVIEW for 10% off the membership fee for as long as you remain a member. Masterpass members also have access to a transcript and to the uncensored video and audio.

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