Question: Why would vitamin D, vitamin K2, and calcium give me brain fog?

Short Answer: Most likely by decreasing serum phosphorus. The solution is to balance these nutrients with vitamin A and phosphorus.

This is a clip from a live Q&A session open to CMJ Masterpass members. In addition to this episode, you can access two other free samples using this link:

In that batch of free episodes you will also find the answers to these questions:

Low Blood Sugar on Vegan Keto Raising Ceruloplasmin When Copper Won't Do It

If you want to become a Masterpass member so you can participate in the next live Q&A, or so you can have access to the complete recording and transcript of each Q&A session, you can save 10% off the subscription price for as long as you remain a member by using this link to sign up:

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This snippet is from the November 19, 2022 AMA. The full recording and transcript is reserved for Masterpass members. Here is a preview of what’s included:

Low Blood Sugar on Vegan Keto How Do I Increase My ATP? Nutrition for Recovery from Alcoholism How to decrease MCV after chemo? What happened to vitamin B4? Should I eat foods specifically for their antioxidant status? How do I get my ceruloplasmin up if copper doesn't raise it? Why would bovine serum immunoglobulins help gut health? Nicotinamide Riboside and Cancer If I need lecithin for gut health, should I worry about its omega-6? What do I think of patented Sucrosomial magnesium and zinc? Is my problem magnesium transport or magnesium excretion? What to do about severe osteoarthritis and muscle stiffness? Should I worry if 5 mg P5P raises my plasma B6 above normal? Is nascent iodine safe when weaning off of thyroid hormone? How to avoid false zeros in Cronometer? What does it mean if I have more energy when taking CoQ10? If NADPH oxidase is unregulated to fight pathogens, is taking antioxidants good or bad? What if my needs for vitamin A and zinc are higher than the tolerable upper intake levels? How accurate are vitamin E tests? Quick redux on muscle stiffness How do I handle my first emergence from lockdown if I am worried about being relatively immunosuppressed? If I supplement with iodine, do I need to supplement with selenium? Should I worry about the beta-carotene in my multivitamin? Why do I wake up tense and with a headache to my alarm clock? Why does starch make me wake up in the middle of the night with increased respiration? What causes crusty eyes? Which nutrients need to be spread out across the day? What are nutritional causes of hypnic jerks? To replicate Weston Price's reversal of tooth decay, do I need dairy? Why would I have a bad reaction to milk thistle?

Here’s a link to the full AMA:

Access the show notes, transcript, and comments here.