Devin McDermott is a porn recovery coach and author of the e-book, Cheap Dopamine. Devin was once a porn user and dopamine addict himself. Despite having massive ambitions to become successful, Devin found himself struggling to get his desired results. He soon discovered how porn and supernormal stimuli held him back and made it his number one goal to cut porn and reclaim his life. After freeing himself from the chains of dopamine addiction, Devin wrote Cheap Dopamine to guide others to greater focus, drive, and self-confidence in a distracting world.

Devin joins me today to discuss the neuroscience of porn. He describes his life before he quit porn and explains how a chronic health condition led him to be addicted to porn and video games. He defines what “cheap dopamine” is and how it makes the brain desensitized and unmotivated. He also underscores the role of mindful awareness in quitting porn and highlights how our environment can impact our relationship with addictive substances.

“Porn is typically a means to run away from negative emotions. Do the basics that lead to a good life, so you don’t feel the need to escape.” - Devin McDermott

Today on Mastering Midlife:

What life was like for Devin before he quit porn and video games What made Devin decide to quit porn for good Why we don’t do the things we know are good for our wellbeing The impact of porn’s normalization The neurochemistry of porn and the mechanics of dopamine What supernormal stimuli are and how they keep us distracted and unmotivated Simple steps toward becoming more focused How to stop viewing porn and reclaim your life How managing emotions effectively can help people quit porn and recover from dopamine addiction The power of meditation and journaling The importance of connecting to nature, people, and values The rat park experiment and how the environment around us affects our attention and motivation The economy of attention and how billion-dollar companies try to keep us distracted

Resources Mentioned:

Your Brain on Porn Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction by Gary Wilson Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari

Connect with Devin McDermott:

Book: Cheap Dopamine: Breaking the Chains Devin McDermott on Twitter

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