Patti Hall is a book coach and author of Loving Large, a memoir where she documented the struggles and joys of being a mother to a son afflicted with a rare medical condition. She is an experienced writing coach and ghostwriter with extensive experience in the writing and editing industry.


In 2009, Patti and her family's lives abruptly changed when doctors found a tumor inside her son, which caused him to have a rare condition called gigantism. Between being a mother to two teenage boys and being her son's caretaker, there were times where she wanted to give up, but she didn't out of love and responsibility. Her story is not just her own and she wants the world to know that there's always a silver lining if you don't stop looking.


Patti joins me today to share the struggle of being a mother of a child with a rare disease. She describes the personal battles she fought and how she overcame her depression. She explains what it was like to find out what her son had, and how it changed her and her family’s life. She discusses the mental and physical toll the disease took on her and how she found the motivation to move forward. Patti also describes some of the permissions she gave herself and how she plans to live her life moving forward.



"Every phone call, every moment, can flip like a dandelion in the wind... and my life did." - Patti Hall




Today on Mastering Midlife:


Who Patti Hall is, what she does, and her story. The disease that affected Patti's family and made her write a book. How Patti coped with how the disease burdened her physically and mentally. The difficult choices she made that helped her raise her son. What Patti is filling her life with right now to figure out her future. Giving yourself permission to ask for help and make mistakes.




Connect with Patti Hall:


Official website Book: Loving Large Patti Hall on Facebook Patti Hall on Instagram Patti Hall on LinkedIn





Limited Time! Get FREE Access to my Leadership Resilience Course


We are all struggling with the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual strain of the Coronavirus Outbreak of 2020. That’s why - for the months of April and May - I’m offering my Leadership Resilience Course for free!


Learn to let go of resentment, up-level your mindset, and communicate your thoughts more effectively. Learn how to address difficult conversations, develop your inner compass, and ‘right the ship’ of your intellectual and emotional self.


It’s a uniquely difficult time for many of us. Now is the perfect time for self-reflection and self-improvement, and to discover how to be your best self.


To learn more about the Leadership Resiliency Course, visit:


Click here to get free access.

Get FREE Access to the Only 10’s Course


Are you struggling with knowing what, when, and how to focus your efforts to get things done? As a long-time sufferer of severe ADD, I understand the struggle - and that’s why I created the Only 10’s system. This system has helped me and thousands of others clear the clutter and focus their energy on getting the right things done.


The Only 10’s free online course is based on my proven system to help you focus your attention and maintain momentum around your day-to-day life.


Sign up for the Only 10’s free course today!




Mastering Midlife...Together!


Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of the Mastering Midlife Podcast: How to Thrive When the World Asks the Most of You with Mark Silverman. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts and leave us a review.


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