An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is the old saying. But do we really live that way? Sure, we put money in our 401K, but how well do we treat our future selves? Today we will be exploring ways to be a friend to next week you.


"What can you do today that next year’s you will thank you for?." – Mark J. Silverman



Today on Mastering Midlife:


When we are winning at life, we feel invincible. When things are going well it’s hard to find the motivation to make changes for the future. We put resources towards ensuring our careers, but do we invest in our relationships. Energy and focus on your health pay dividends over the decades. “Would tomorrow’s Mark, thank me for this?” 10 -10 -10 – Suzy Welsh


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Mastering Midlife...Together!


Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of the Mastering Midlife Podcast: How to Thrive When the World Asks the Most of You with Mark Silverman. If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts and leave us a review.


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