It's a pity.

That most of us find their best time in staying in their Comfort Zone. In this hammock of our regular habits. Full of cosy feelings, thoughts and emotions. Of course, we all have our regular habits, the routins. In the morning in the bathroom or in the evening going to bed. We also follow our inner boosters telling us to be perfect, punctual, or push ourselves and hurry up. But it's really sad, that we regularly get stuck in this zone.

Our Comfort Zone is supposed to keep our life safe. But what it really does is keep our life small. Outside of our comfort zone there seems to be lot of interesting amazing things. Possibilities without end. But it's outside. And before we can get in touch with these endless possibilities, we have to tackle the wall of pain. Lots of pain are waiting: denial, uncertainty, helplessness or fear. There's a way to overcome this wall. But first you need to understand the paradoxon of pain.

In this episode I wanted to share with you a tool I have detected some time ago. The Tool "Reversal of Desire" was introduced by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. And it is their gift to all of us who want to lift ourselves to the next level. A tool to propell you out of your comfort zone. That you get in touch with your possibilities overcoming the pain.

It’s a pity.

That most of us find their best time in staying in their Comfort Zone. In this hammock of regular habits. Full of cosy feelings, thoughts and emotions. Of course, we all have our regular habits, the routins. In the morning in the bathroom or in the evening going to bed. We also follow our inner boosters telling us to be perfect, punctual, or push ourselves and hurry up. But it’s really sad, that we regularly get stuck in this zone.

Our Comfort Zone is supposed to keep our life safe. But what it really does is keep our life small. Outside of our comfort zone there seems to be lot of interesting amazing things. Possibilities without end. But it’s outside. And before we can get in touch with these endless possibilities, we have to tackle the wall of pain. Lots of pain are waiting: denial, uncertainty, helplessness or fear. There’s a way to overcome this wall. But first you need to understand the paradoxon of pain.

In this episode I wanted to share with you a tool I have detected some time ago. The Tool “Reversal of Desire” was introduced by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. And it is their gift to all of us who want to lift ourselves to the next level. A tool to propell you out of your comfort zone. That you get in touch with your possibilities overcoming the pain.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

Wy do we have a Comfort Zone?
Why do we love it?
What does the Comfort Zone do with us?
How can we get out of our Comfort Zone?
What’s the Pain Paradoxon?
Why does the Tool work?
What’s the Higher Force?
When do use the Tool?
How to find courage in your fear?
And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

Reversal of Desire – The Tool on YouTube
The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

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The post Say YES to your pain and step out of your Comfort Zone – MES048 appeared first on Embedded Success.