You were misunderstood.

Although you have spent a lot of effort to be precise and clear. But nevertheless somehow your counterpart has horribly misunderstood you. And now you're in big trouble. Perhaps your spouse interpreted your "Nice" for the new dress as inadequate. Or there was this tone of desinterest in your voice. Or you just run into this ugly problem at work and your mind is still in the office. You all remember what happens after such situation. Something has gone wrong. How can we avoid such kind of situation?

Everything we say OR not say, everything we do OR not do, transfers a message. We cannot decide whether we communicate or do not communicate. We always communicate. Communication happens verbally and non-verbally, explicitely and implicitely. We should be aware that a risen eyebrow, a turn-away face, a dismissive look transfers information to the receiver.

You guys should listen to this episode if you want to understand why communicating could sometimes be that complicated, erroneous or misleading. If you want to improve your skills herein you're exactly right in this session. If you want to get the tips in written form, feel free to use the link below to get your personal copy of the tips-list.

You were misunderstood.

Although you have spent a lot of effort to be precise and clear. But nevertheless somehow your counterpart has horribly misunderstood you. And now you’re in big trouble. Perhaps your spouse interpreted your “Nice” for the new dress as inadequate. Or there was this tone of desinterest in your voice. Or you just run into this ugly problem at work and your mind is still in the office. You all remember what happens after such situation. Something has gone wrong. How can we avoid such kind of situation?

Paul Watzlawick once said “We cannot not communicate”.

Everything we say OR not say, everything we do OR not do, transfers a message. We cannot decide whether we communicate or do not communicate. We always communicate. Communication happens verbally and non-verbally, explicitely and implicitely. We should be aware that a risen eyebrow, a turn-away face, a dismissive look transfers information to the receiver.

But there are ways to improve communcation and decrease misunderstanding. In this episode I will introduce the Four Sides Model for communcation. Friedemann Schulz von Thun has invented this abstraction to let us understand communication ways better. This model gives you a strong background to improve your communcation. In detail I will share with you nine surprisingly simple tips to improve your communication.

You guys should listen to this episode if you want to understand why communicating could sometimes be that complicated, erroneous or misleading. If you want to improve your skills herein you’re exactly right in this session. If you want to get the tips in written form, feel free to use the link below to get your personal copy of the tips-list.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

Why do we sometimes communicate that weird?
What does communicating mean at all?
How does the Four Side Model work?
What can go wrong in communication?
What does good communication mean?
Why listening is essential for good communication?
Why pictures or stories support you?
How can body talk impact the meaning of messages?
And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

Four Side Model of communication
Models of Communication
Paul Watzlawick
Start with Mindfulness

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The post 9 surprisingly simple tips to improve your communcation – MES049 appeared first on Embedded Success.