Marcus Behrens is a wholehearted engineer and Product Design Director at SAP in Walldorf, Germany. We came into discussion at the IoT-TechDay in Frankfurt. He's not only one of the masterminds at SAP for IoT, but also an engaged engineer within Embedded Systems. This interesting combination triggered this talk. We're chatting about our experiences and impressions from the IoT-TechDay, the chances and risks we see in IoT and our future outlook for IoT in our daily environment.

Talk with Marcus Behrens about IoT

Marcus and me joined the IoT-TechDay in Frankfurt end of June. The IoT-TechDay was a one day conference organized by WindRiver, Intel, SalesForce, SAP, Accenture and Microsoft. The intention of meeting was “Moving from talk to transformation” creating business opportunities around IoT.

Marcus is a wholehearted engineer and Product Design Director at SAP in Walldorf, Germany. He’s responsible for evaluating the potential of IoT and finding product ideas and opportunities for SAP. On the other side he was and is an engaged engineer within Embedded Systems. This combination made me curious and we have had a good talk already at the IoT-TechDay and later on by mail. Our opinions about IoT and it’s potential, risks and challenges are not always the same. But that makes this talk even more exciting. Enjoy the episode.

We’re talking about:

Our experiences and impression of the IoT-TechDay
What IoT really means for us
Chances and opportunities of IoT
The technical challenges of IoT
Potential security problems and legal restrictions
Outlook on IoT

Show Notes

Kevin Ashton’s RFID-article first time describing the term Internet of Things
Marcus Behrens’ illuminating by mirror on opposite side of valley project
Internet of Things Technology Forum: Moving from Talk to Transformation (Keynote session materials)


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The post Engineers’ talk: Internet of Things with Marcus Behrens – MES007 appeared first on Embedded Success.