In this episode, I had the chance to record a conversation with Gabriel Zayas. Gabriel is one of the students that make up the statistic that 2 out of 3 students graduate from college without a job. This is a sad reality, but the good news is that Gabriel was able to land a great job 6 months after graduation. Make sure you listen to the whole episode to learn about Gabriel’s story and what he wished he would have done. 

Here are some highlights from the episode:

[4:00] Gabriel’s biggest obstacle when he started college

[6:00] I assumed that because I had a college degree I would eventually find a job

[9:00] What was going through your head once you graduated and did not have a job lined up? 

[12:00] It was harder for companies to talk to me after graduating

[16:00] Best case scenario is to have a job offer 1 year before graduation

[19:45] Don’t put finding your job on the back burner

[21:00] The best advice Gabriel can give to students 

[24:00] How Gabriel landed his dream job in the end

The one thing I would like for you to take away from this episode: 

Everyone’s situation is different, but there is always someone out there who has had similar struggles that would be willing to help you. 

If you would like to connect with  Gabriel make sure you connect with him on LinkedIn-

Let’s connect! I want to hear from you, so please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, email, or anywhere else. 




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