Gut health is so crucial to a properly functioning body and feeling your best. Dr. Mary Pardee is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a Certified Functional Medicine Doctor who specializes in integrative gastroenterology and hormone balancing in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder of modrn med, a telemedicine and virtual wellness company that provides concierge medical and health services to clients across the world from the comfort of their homes. In this episode, we break down all things gut health and take a deep dive into what causes gut issues like leaky gut, SIBO, & more and how you can treat and prevent them. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

About how Mary got into naturopathic medicine  Some common gut health issues Mary sees on a regular basis  What functional bowel disorders are and about some common symptoms About irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and some different forms of it  What SIBO is (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)  About what causes SIBO  About why gas and discomfort is a symptom of SIBO  About Migrating Motor Complex MMC  How snacking can affect your gut health  About how fasting 12 hours overnight can affect your health  About how your immune system directly relates to gut health  About the role cortisol plays in your immune system  About why your mental health is just as important as your physical health  About SIFO (small intestinal fungal overgrowth)  About how you can test for SIBO  About probiotics and how they affect your gut Why veggies, fermented foods, and herbs are so great for gut health  The deal with intestinal permeability, A.K.A. "leaky gut” That NSAIDs like Advil can damage the intestinal lining  Mary’s advice for food sensitivities  Why Mary recommends a low FODMAP diet for SIBO and IBS  About fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) and how they can help with Crohns and ulcerative colitis  About Glutamine and how it can help fuel your colon  Why it’s so important to chew your food properly  About what acid reflux is The role stomach acid plays in acid reflux  What Hypochlorhydria is  About some antimicrobial herbs and why they work


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