Melinda shares with us some real actionable ways to pivot your business and offerings to help your clients in times of crisis.  We also talk about how Melinda got started in her coaching business and how Coaches Console was born.  Such an inspiring message you don't want to miss!

Melinda Cohan is CEO of The Coaches Console, a software and training company that has helped over 18,000 coaches people create profitable and sustainable businesses - even in the midst of these challenging times. Her software leverages the systems she created in her own coaching business -- for branding, list-building, marketing, scheduling, enrolling clients, creating amazing client experiences and more, managing group programs and online courses and integrates it all into one cohesive platform so your business runs smoothly and you feel confident. While the systems organize you, she and her team blend coaching with training to help you create a clear and realistic path to sustainable results.

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