Sharan is an inspirer, motivator, and serial manifestor, with the aim of shining light everywhere she goes. As an Empowerment Life Coach & Intuitive Healer, Sharan works with women, helping to influence major breakthroughs against life’s challenges. Sharan appreciates each woman is unique, in most cases, deep-rooted fears, doubts, concerns, and lack of confidence stop individuals from achieving greatness.
Sharan helps clients reach their true potential in all areas of life, including gaining prestigious employment positions, increasing earning, taking the courage to resign from the “job” and become self-employed, developing a magnetic soul mate relationship to focusing on increasing health in life.
Integrating 20 years of professional experience working in Corporate Banking with her 15 years of personal development experience, Sharan excels in her work. Being a natural psychic medium, she trained to become a Reiki Healer Master & Teacher, an Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner ®, Licensed NLP Master Practitioner®, Infinite Possibilities Trainer® & a Certified Life Coach.
So from qualifying as a hairdresser at 18, achieving two University degrees, winning a brand-new car and holidays, to landing a permanent role on a Top UK TV soap without any prior acting experience & marrying her soul mate, Sharan truly lives by the principle “Life is what you make it!”
Sharan really does live by her principles of “Living your Dream Life where Anything is Possible!”
To effectively manifest all that you desire in your business, firstly it's about identifying the barriers, the blocks, personal limitations, fears, limiting beliefs, and concerns that prevent you from attracting your soul client.
It's all energy!
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Free Gift Description: When you practice the Art of Gratitude your whole life can change for the better. Gratitude is that feeling of happiness that comes from thanking and expressing appreciation. It’s getting into a positive frame of mind and is strongly linked to increasing a person’s mental health and coping better with stress. To get your free Gratitude Ebook with 7 amazing gratitude exercises






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