Debbie Gerbec is a professional life coach specializing in helping people 50+ to find their passion. After realizing she was on “The Other Side” of 50, Debbie decided it was time to discover her own passions. Through deep work with a life coach, Debbie developed a new career based on her lifelong love of helping people to achieve their dreams and goals.

After completing the rigorous demands of iPEC coaching certifications, she has the tools to bring others on their self-discovery journey. She has since coached and championed many people in the same situation, such as herself. Find out more information and how to reach Debbie at Second Half Transitions.

Master Of Your Crafts is a conversational podcast with individuals who have and are working towards mastering a craft. They have harnessed and taken ownership of a gift, talent or skill that is so innate to them. We uncover the inner dialogue, actions and life circumstances, all combined in a deep conversation to offer you words of wisdom to empower and guide you to be your own Master Of Your Crafts.