LuAna’s Bookshelf is an organization dedicated to helping children in developing countries access education when they otherwise may not be able to.  In 2016, Heidi-Marie Jones backpacked the world in search of underfunded, impoverished schools that were in dire need of financial support. Once a school that fits the above-mentioned criteria was discovered, its students and Heidi immediately got to work in what has proven to be an effective and sustainable means of fundraising.

This is achieved by working directly with the students to create, publish, and ultimately market a storybook unique to the culture of the children who created it.  With profits from each copy sold donated back to the school, a sense of pride and accomplishment is instilled in the students who feel they have participated in something meaningful that benefits their school and, ultimately, their community.





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Master Of Your Crafts is a conversational podcast with individuals who have and are working towards mastering a craft. They have harnessed and taken ownership of a gift, talent or skill that is so innate to them. We uncover the inner dialogue, actions and life circumstances, all combined in a deep conversation to offer you words of wisdom to empower and guide you to be your own Master Of Your Crafts.