Katie Bielefeld is the Founder of Live Happy On Purpose™, owner of Calloused Fitness, and highly sought after Holistic Health Coach operating her private coaching practice at KatieBielefeld.com. After fighting the on-again, off-again program failing, body hating cycle of endless emotional eating and self destructive emotional processing after trauma, Katie was finally able to end the war against her body. After her own transformation, Katie’s focus is solely to help woman overcome their own struggles to love and honor their bodies through lasting healthy lifestyles to end the war with their bodies. Katie and her husband, Jordan, reside in Iowa with their 5 children. You can find her on Instagram @live.happy.on.purpose and on Facebook @CoachKatieBielefeld

Master Of Your Crafts is a conversational podcast with individuals who have and are working towards mastering a craft. They have harnessed and taken ownership of a gift, talent or skill that is so innate to them. We uncover the inner dialogue, actions and life circumstances, all combined in a deep conversation to offer you words of wisdom to empower and guide you to be your own Master Of Your Crafts.