Welcome to Master of Some a podcast about Health & Fitness served up as a metaphor for life. Since we serve health related metaphors for life, this episode is a cross release with another podcast that I’ve worked on in the past and focuses on mental health/fitness rather than physical health/fitness.

Please note that it’s not your standard podcast episode. Think more of Serial, NPR This American Life, Radiolab or Gimlet. There is an interesting story being told with heavy production, lots of music and sound effects, and more. It’s all around black stereotypes and fetishes, why we wear clothes, and how gender equality could be more of a thing if we all got naked. Yeah… super idealist with this one. I mean, I did take almost 2 years to produce one podcast episode… so it’s gotta be meta on layered on meta right?

Please enjoy and feel free to share this episode or the cool black dudes episode - it’s the same thing, with anyone that you think would get some value out of it.

Thanks and enjoy!

------ From The Words of Daren & Cool Black Dudes Radio Podcast----

The full episode is finally here! If you like cool stories about taboo topics please enjoy this.

Please note - The episode while extremely informative, contains some foul language and adult content. Listener discretion is advised.

A Pod Paste, DLake Creates, and Cool Black Dudes Radio original investigative story about how a guy's very personal insecurities turned into something WAY BIGGER than his problems.

What turned out to be a quest for me to "get over my issues with my flaccid penis size" ended up becoming a journey that I'm still on to find equality in all of us. While I might be an idealist in my libertarianism (or ist) utopian ways I think there is some truth in people becoming more real and more vulnerable by undressing their fears and inadequacies and showing everyone "hey… maybe my problems aren't as big as I thought".

Please subscribe, rate, and comment to find out when more episodes like these drop!


Welcome to digressions. A new podcast format brought to you by cool black dudes radio. Darren Lake and pod pace. That tells upfront unfiltered and sometimes uncomfortable audio stories and documentaries about racial and race related topics. I'm your host Darren lake. I have always been interested in the human body in particular why we put clothes on and why we aren't naked more like what is actually stopping us from just being naked all the time. I've also been interested in the psychology and social norms around why we as humans do what we do. 

But funny enough like most people in from my findings looking at you men in the western world I've always had a hesitation around the whole stripping down and skinning dipping naked with friends on a late summer's night. I've been with ladies before that obviously never saw me naked and I was OK with that and I've also been in the guys locker rooms and showering with nothing on and it got normal pretty quickly but the guys are just half the population. I couldn't cope with taking it all off in front of a group of women that I didn't know in a public setting and my fear went deeper than all women. It was a particular race in a particular place. White women here in Australia are just letting you know. 


Huge Thank Yous!

The Nude Blogger (Jessa) - http://www.thenudeblogger.com/

Nikki Thomas (Narrator) - http://nikkisthomas.com/

Daren Lake - DarenLake.net

Master of Some -

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