After a long run, it's hard to resist the urge to eat everything in sight, much like how it's hard to resist the pull of a toxic romantic relationship. Just like a long run can leave you feeling exhausted and drained, a toxic relationship can also drain you of your energy and sense of self. And just as a post-run snack can provide a much-needed energy boost, a toxic partner can also temporarily provide a rush of excitement and validation.

Find out how to break the run a lot and eat everything in sight mentality and more.

What You’ll LearnFinding out if your body is dehydrated, hungry or tired.The power of protein for satiation post runGood fatsKeeping your brain and body busyThe thin line between over and under fuelingThe benefits of counting calories for a few daysThe 20 min post-meal ruleEating whole foodsand more!

Links & LearningsThe best 8 real foods for run recovery11 ways to stop overeating after a workoutNRG CoachingMike Trees InstagramDLake Runs Instagram

Notable QuotablesThe body often mistakes hunger, thirst and fatigueThe killer is when you sit down after a run and don't know what to do next, so you eatWhen you start running, you tend to eat more than you've burnedSome people can eat whatever they want and not gain weight - that is not me.The 20 min rule: 20 mins after eating, I ask myself if I'm hungry. If not, don’t eat more.

SponsorsNRG Coaching - Mike Trees coaching serviceThree Thing Thursday - Sign up for free to get consistent/bite-sized, sometimes unorthodox running tips and tricks to perform better throughout life

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