How are we going to make $25,000 annually in 12 square feet of the house?  In this episode, we "dive" into the start of a big project- setting up a saltwater reef tank.  Specifically, we're going to be setting up a tank to house and breed sea anemones along with a colony of clownfish.  Along the way, we'll be working on our glasswork skills, furniture refinishing, plumbing, electrical, automation systems, and a whole lot of biology, ecology, and chemistry.  Better yet, we're going to make this a profitable endeavor.  At the very least, the tank is going to pay for itself by selling baby anemones (and helping to save wild anemones and coral reefs along the way).  The long-term goal, though, is to actually make a substantial annual profit from this tank.  You also get to hear about some of my own adventures and misadventures diving on coral reefs around the world.