Previous Episode: 8 Bit News - Episode S17-18E02
Next Episode: Hood - Chapter 04

Happy Halloween! (oh, errr, we're a bit late on this one aren't we...) 
Happy November everybody! Join Maisie and James for this totally not holiday themed special about all things spooky. Look forward to discussion of horror games, stupid things that scared the hosts as kids, and other random tangents they are sure to go on.  

Happy Halloween! (oh, errr, we're a bit late on this one aren't we...)
Happy November everybody! Join Maisie and James for this totally not holiday themed special about all things spooky. Look forward to discussion of horror games, stupid things that scared the hosts as kids, and other random tangents they are sure to go on.

Links and Show Notes

You can find the hosts of 8 Bit News on Twitter, follow them @fcc8bitnewsfm to talk to Maisie and Kieran.

Alien Isolation (Official Website)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Wikipedia)

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