Previous Episode: Hood - Chapter 03

Na na na na na na na na na 8 Bit News! Strap on your utility belt and grab you're batarangs because we're swinging into Gotham city. Join Maisie and James for their Batman special, covering all things linked to everyone's favourite caped crusader, including allies, villains, video games and more. Holy Podcast! 

Na na na na na na na na na 8 Bit News! Strap on your utility belt and grab you're batarangs because we're swinging into Gotham city. Join Maisie and James for their Batman special, covering all things linked to everyone's favourite caped crusader, including allies, villains, video games and more. Holy Podcast!

Links and Show Notes

You can find the hosts of 8 Bit News on Twitter, follow them @fcc8bitnewsfm to talk to Maisie and Kieran.

Batman - Some Days You Just Can’t Get Rid Of A Bomb (Youtube)

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